Tell your child that today you will be playing a listening game. It will be very important that we use our listening skills, so we hear the leader and follow their movements.
For example, if the leader says jump 2 times you want to encourage your child to jump only 2 times.
The leader will say and model what they want to others to do.
You can take turns being the leader. Allow each person playing the opportunity to do so.
You can add movements such as:
Giant steps
Walk sideways
Be creative and allow your child to be creative as you come up with more.
Include music into the game. Try to follow the beat of the music as you follow the leader.
Make your actions beat oriented.
If there is a fast beat, go fast
If there is a slow beat, go slow
Encourage your child to listen for the beat or rhythm in the song.
You could pat your legs to the beat to support them with this.