- Ask your child: What animals live on a farm?
- Sing Old MacDonald Had A Farm while allowing your child to pick the animals you sing about.
- Using a pink marker or crayon color your paper plate to make a pig.
- Cut a strip of paper and a circle (to make nose)
- Allow child to color and then tape onto the pig face (remember, it’s ok if your child places the nose in a different spot than where you think it should go. This is your child’s creation and their pig will look unique, just like your child!)
- If you are using dirt, mix with water to make mud.
- If you are using chocolate pudding, follow the package instructions to make the pudding “mud.”
- Encourage your child to engage in some messy pig play.
- Pigs like to play in the mud.
- Let’s get our pig nice and muddy and make him happy!
Using paper plates with the center cut out (creating just a ring) tell your child that you are making different ranges for different animals.
- Encourage your child to choose animals to have on each range.
- Draw or create these animals and put them in their range.
- Include math in this activity by counting how many ranges you have as well as how many of each animal can fit in each range.