Family Genes - United Way of Central Florida
Materials needed:
- Paper and pencil
- Crayons, color pencils or markers
- You will first tell your child that today we will be learning about family genes.
- Ask them: Do you know what I mean when I say genes?
- Genes are what make up our bodies. We get some genes from our moms and some from our dads.
- Today we are going to find out where some of your genes come from either Mom or Dad.
- On a piece of paper write Mom / Dad at the top (making a chart)
- Brainstorm with your child to come up with the following for both parents: (add more as you see fit)
- Hair color
- Eye color
- Height
- Glasses and vision impairments or none
- Dimples?
- Freckles?
- Can you curl your tongue? That is inherited through genes too!
- On a separate sheet of paper list all the names of the children in the family (in your home)
- Follow the same steps to come up with characteristics for the children.
- Compare all your results together.
- What did your child get from you?
- What did they get from their other parent?
- Did you notice anything else that was interesting?
- You can extend this activity by creating a piece of paper for both sets of grandparents. Help your child come up with characteristics for all 4.
- Compare these to the others to see what maybe came from an older generation in the family.
- Draw a family portrait. Be sure to include everyone you used for this activity.
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