Each year, community-minded employers identify key personnel to participate as Ambassadors in the annual United Way campaign. These individuals expand United Way’s ability to support the organizations that conduct annual workplace campaigns.
Ambassadors act as consultants, relationship builders and resource development professionals as well as inform and share with companies the United Way message through verbal and written communications. They will also interact with a variety of business and community leaders including CEOs and other senior level management, elected officials and leaders.
• Conduct employee group meetings, kickoff events, key worker training sessions and other public speaking engagements.
• Attend planning meetings with the company coordinator to discuss:
– Company campaign goal
– How to organize a campaign
– How to engage key workers, volunteers and planning committee
– Determine campaign supplies and quantities needed
The United Way Ambassador program offers individuals an opportunity to receive personalized time management, networking, social and electronic media etiquette, presentation and leadership skills. This program also offers an opportunity to spend time with community leaders and area business CEOs in small group setting.
The ideal candidate is a self-starter who is goal oriented, eager to learn, interested in community affairs and ready to advance their career. Alumni have increased their effectiveness and business skills due to their experience as a United Way Ambassador.
• Rising young professionals
• Currently employed
• Able to complete the program
• Leadership potential
• Self-motivated
• Results-oriented
• Organized
• Community-focused
Ambassador Program Timeline:
Application Deadline: July 28
Orientation: August 17-18
Program Dates: August 17 – December 8
Campaign Kickoff: August 24
Graduation Lunch: December 8
Company Sponsor Requirements:
Support your candidate throughout the program by:
- Providing 3 to five days a week for your Ambassador to work with United Way
- Hold follow-up meeting to gauge Ambassador growth and commitment
- Join Ambassador for Graduation luncheon to celebrate accomplishments
Sponsorship Opportunities:
- Lunch & Learns: $250
- Full-Time Ambassador: $10,000
- Half-Time Ambassador: $5,000
If your organization is interested in sponsoring the UWCF Ambassador Program or would like additional information, please contact Beth Hill, Manager of Corporate Philanthropy at 863.648.1500 x291.