Leap Frog - United Way of Central Florida
Materials needed:
- A large open place to play game
- Outdoors to explore nature
- Today you will be playing leapfrog.
- This is a great activity to get the entire family involved. (more frogs to leap over that way)
- The first person will curl up on the floor and the second person will then leap over them like a frog would.
- Then that person gets down on the floor and the other person gets a turn leaping.
- Please watch the video for a full idea on how this will look.
- Need more “family” members to play along; use stuffed animals. Have your child line them up with ample space between for him/her to jump.
- Go outside and search for frogs.
- Hint* frogs like to come out at night, so try and do this in the evening maybe after dinner.
- Count how many you can find.
- Be sure not to touch them as some frogs are poisonous.
- Can you find any toads?
- Explore and have fun!
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